The Zine
We are an independently run indie publication (or "zine") curating the work of South Asian LGBTQ+ authors and artists around the world. Jasmine Zine publishes a broad spectrum of work, including illustration, poetry, short stories, and essays. Because we are volunteer led, our publishing schedule is not regular.
We recognize that the "South Asian" label can be a very broad one; one that does not always account for differences among ourselves. Because of this, we hope to platform critical and diverse narratives in order to celebrate the similarities and differences within our communities. Our love for one another must be intersectional.We always encourage people from underrepresented South Asian groups (including, but not limited to: caste-oppressed people, Adivasi people, minority religions, Eelam Tamilians, and Caribbean and Fijian diaspora) to participate.

Staff PositionNameSocials
Art EditorJaas@Jaasvandha
Writing EditorSri@aritalks